Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How to's & Pow Edits: The Latest from Logan Imlach & Ben Moxham

The latest from Logan Imlach on SBC Skier.....

Hello, Logan Imlach here. Roaming Newschoolers lately has shown me that many of you seniors in high school are looking forward to moving out west and becoming ski bums. The realization that I had is that 90% of you are from a city east of the Mississippi and need to learn a thing or two about picking up the hippy broads that reside in these towns. Yes, dirtball hippies make up the majority of these towns’ female population, so they are your target demographic. And if you are said target and find yourself offended by this: A) Get over yourself, and B) Go take a shower.

In other news, Ben Moxham has been slaying pow in the CO! Check the most recent edit from Vail Pass:

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